PHYS5401 - Medical Imaging Physics
Module 1 Introduction to Medical Imaging
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Medical Imaging Modalities
1.3 X-Ray Imaging Modalities
1.4 Nuclear (Molecular) Imaging Modalities
1.5 Ultrasound
1.6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Module 2 Maths Review, Image Theories, and Image Perception and Assessment
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Spatial Resolution
2.2.1 The Spatial Domain
2.2.2 The Point Spread Function, PSF How does the Point Spread Function affect image quality (what we see)?
2.2.3 The Line Spread Function, LSF
2.2.4 The Edge Spread Function, ESF
2.3 Convolution
2.3.1 Relationships Between Spread Functions
2.4 The Frequency Domain
2.5 Fourier Series and the Fourier Transform
2.6 The Modulation Transfer Function, MTF(f)
2.6.1 Conceptual Description
2.6.2 Practical Measurement
2.6.3 Limiting Resolution
2.6.4 Nyquist Frequency
2.7 Image theory fundamentals
2.7.1 Linear systems theory
27.2 Linearity
2.7.3 Shift invariance or Isoplanatism
2.7.4 Sampling theory
2.8 Contrast
2.8.1 Definition
2.8.2 Contrast types
2.8.3 Optical density
2.8.4 Greyscale characteristics
2.9 Noise
2.10 Contrast-to-Noise Ratio
2.11 Signal-to-Noise Ratio
2.12 Detective quantum efficiency
2.13 Image Perception and Assessment
2.13.1 Human visual system
2.13.2 Human eye
2.13.3 Barten model
2.13.4 Perceptual linearization - Viewing conditions
2.13.5 Specifications of Observer Performance –
2.13.6 Decision outcomes
2.13.7 Specifications of Observer Performance –
2.13.8 Statistical decision theory and receiver operating characteristic methodology
2.13.9 Experimental Methodologies
2.13.10 Contrast–detail methodology
2.13.11 Forced choice experiments
2.13.12 ROC experiments
Module 3 Introduction to Image Processing & Enhancement
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Image data types
3.3 Spatial resolution
3.4 Basic image processing operations
3.4.1 Histograms
3.4.2 Generating and Plotting Image Histograms
3.5 Noise
3.6 Why perform enhancement?
3.7 Spatial filtering and noise removal
3.7.1 Mean filtering
3.7.2 Gaussian filtering
3.7.3 ‘Ideal’ low pass filter
3.7.4 Median filtering
3.7.5 Image filtering techniques for medical image post-processing
3.8 Image Segmentation
3.8.1 Thresholding
3.9 Image Registration
3.9.1 Intensity-based vs feature-based image registration
3.9.2 Shape-preserving transformations
3.10 Transformation models
3.10.1 linear transformation
3.10.2 2D Rotation transformation
3.10.3 Uniform scaling transformation
3.10.4 Affine transforms
3.11 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medical Image Analysis
3.11.1 Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)
Module 4 Tomographic Reconstruction from Projections
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Simple Backprojection
4.3 Filtered Backprojection (FBP)
4.4 Iterative Reconstruction
4.5 FBP versus Iterative Reconstruction
Module 5 Ultrasound Imaging –Review of the physics of sound
5.1 Introduction
5.2 What is sound?
5.3 Describing Sound Waves
5.3.1 Frequency, wavelength and velocity
5.3.2 Amplitude, Pressure, Intensity and the dB scale
5.3.3 Combining Waves
5.3.4 The Doppler Effect
5.4 Interaction of sound waves with matter
5.4.1 Attenuation
5.4.2 Acoustic Impedance
5.4.3 Reflection
5.4.4 Refraction
5.4.5 Scatter
Module 6 Ultrasound Imaging
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Physical properties imaged
6.1.2 Clinical applications
6.1.3 Resolution
6.1.4 Pros / cons
6.1.5 Imaging system
6.2 Transducers
6.2.1 Basic transducer design
6.2.2 Transducer Arrays
6.3 Beam Properties and Formation
6.3.1 Near and far field
6.3.2 Side lobes and grating lobes
6.3.3 Beam formation in a linear array
6.3.4 Beam formation in a parallel (phased) array
6.4 Data Acquisition and Image Formation
6.4.1 Pulse echo
6.4.2 Display Modes
6.4.3 2D imaging
6.5 Doppler imaging
6.5.1 Continuous-Wave Doppler
6.5.2 Pulsed Doppler
6.5.3 Duplex Scanning
6.5.4 Doppler Displays
6.5.5 Colour Flow Imaging
6.5.6 Spectral Waveform
6.5.7 Power Doppler
6.6 New Developments
Module 7 Ultrasound Imaging –Artefacts, Safety and Quality Control
7.1 Artefacts
7.1.1 B-Mode Imaging Artefacts
7.1.2 Refraction
7.1.3 Shadowing and Enhancement
7.1.4 Reverberation
7.1.5 Mirror Image Artefacts
7.1.6 Speed Displacement
7.1.7 Side Lobes and Grating Lobes
7.1.8 Ambiguity Artefacts
7.1.9 Slice Thickness
7.2 Doppler Artefacts
7.2.1 Speed Variations across Large Vessels
7.2.2 Speed Variations Caused by Vessel Constriction
7.2.3 Aliasing
7.3 Biological Effects and Safety
7.3.1 Measures of Exposure
7.4 Biological Effects
7.4.1 Thermal Effects
7.4.2 Non-Thermal (Mechanical) Effects
7.4.3 Acoustic Cavitation
7.4.4 Acoustic Streaming
7.5 Safety Indices
7.5.1 Thermal Index (TI)
7.5.2 Mechanical Index (MI)
7.6 Quality Control
Module 8 Basic Principles of X-ray Imaging
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Generation of X-rays for Medical Imaging Heading
8.2.1 The X-ray Tube
8.2.2 The Anode
8.2.3 Inherent filtration
8.2.4 Added filtration
8.2.5 Compensation filters
8.2.6 Anode angle
8.2.7 The Generator
8.2.8 Tube Cooling System
8.3 Interaction of X-rays with Tissue, Attenuation and Contrast
8.3.1 Coherent Scatter
8.3.2 Compton Scatter
8.3.3 The Photoelectric Effect
8.3.4 Overall Attenuation
8.4 Radiography
8.4.1 Physical properties imaged
8.4.2 Clinical applications
8.4.3 Resolution
8.4.4 Pros / cons
8.4.5 Imaging system
8.4.6 Contrast agents
8.5 Image Receptors
8.5.1 Computed Radiography (CR)
8.5.2 Clinical applications
8.5.3 Resolution
8.5.4 Pros / cons
8.5.5 Imaging system
8.6 Image Receptors
8.6.1 Computed Radiography (CR)
8.6.2 Digital Radiography (DR)
8.6.3 Automatic Exposure Control (AEC)
8.7 Factors Affecting Image Quality and Radiation Dose
Module 9 Basic X-ray QC and Dosimetry
9.1 Introduction: What is Quality Control?
9.1.1 Goals of QC and QA
9.2 Disadvantages of Poor Quality Images
9.2.1 Incorrect Diagnosis
9.2.2 Risk of Repeating a Hazardous Procedure
9.2.3 Unproductive Patient Radiation
9.2.4 Patient Inconvenience
9.2.5 Increased Cost
9.3 Factors in Quality Assurance and Quality Control
9.3.1 Equipment Factors
9.3.2 Human Factors
9.3.3 Acceptance Testing
9.4 Dosimetric Quantities
9.4.1 Basic Quantities
9.4.2 Application Specific Quantities
9.4.3 Relationship to stochastic and deterministic effects
9.5 Basic X-ray Quality Control Measurements and Dose Calculation
9.5.1 Measurement of Parameters Required for Dose Calculation
9.5.2 Dose Calculation
9.6 Typical Doses and Dose Reference Levels (DRLs)
9.6.1 Typical Effective Doses
9.6.2 Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs)
Module 10 Fluoroscopy
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 Special demands of fluoroscopy
10.1.2 Physical properties imaged
10.1.3 Clinical applications
10.1.4 Resolution
10.1.5 Pros / cons
10.1.6 Imaging system
10.2 Fluoroscopic Image Detectors
10.2.1 Conventional Vacuum Tube Image intensifier
10.2.2 Flux gain
10.2.3 Minification gain
10.2.4 Overall brightness gain
10.2.5 Pincushion distortion
10.2.6 Flat Panel Digital Fluoroscopic Detectors
10.3 Digital Fluoroscopy (DF)
10.3.1 Digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
10.3.2 Dual energy subtraction
10.3.3 Frame averaging
10.3.4 Last frame hold
10.3.5 Road mapping
10.4 Factors Affecting Image Quality and Radiation Dose
Module 11 Mammography
11.1 Breast cancer
11.2 Introduction – Mammography
11.2.1 Clinical applications: Breast Cancer Screening
11.2.2 Physical properties imaged
11.3 Resolution
11.3.1 Pros / cons
11.3.2 Imaging system
11.4 Mammography X-ray Equipment
11.4.1 X-ray Tube
11.3.2 Image Detectors
11.3.3 Compression
11.3.4 Use of Grids
11.3.5 Image Display
11.5 Magnification Techniques
11.6 Factors Affecting Image Quality and Radiation Dose
Module 12 Basic Principles of X-ray Computed Tomography
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Gantry
12.2.1 Slip Rings
12.2.2 Generator
12.2.3 Cooling Systems
12.2.4 X-ray Source
12.2.5 Filtration
12.2.6 Collimation
12.2.7 X-Ray Detectors
12.2.8 Xenon Gas Detectors
12.2.9 Solid-State Crystal Detector
12.2.10 Stellar Detector
12.2.11 Physical properties imaged
12.2.12 Clinical applications
12.2.13 Resolution
12.2.14 Pros / cons
12.2.15 Imaging system
12.3 Gantry configuration
12.4 Data Acquisition
12.4.1 Axial / Sequential Acquisition
12.4.2 Helical acquisition
12.5 Image Display
12.6 Factors Affecting Radiation Dose and Image Quality
Module 13 Nuclear Medicine: Introduction & Radionuclides
13.1 Georg Charles de Hevesy: the father of Nuclear Medicine
13.2 Introduction to Nuclear Medicine (NM)
13.2.1 γ emission
13.2.2 β- emission
13.2.3 Isomeric Transition (IT) (or γ Radioactivity)
13.2.4 Internal Conversion (IC)
13.2.5 Positron (β+) and (β+, γ) emission
13.2.6 Electron capture (EC) with X-ray and auger electron emission, and (EC,γ) emission
13.2.7 α emission
13.3 Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals
13.3.1 Reactor-Produced Radioisotopes
13.3.2 Neutron Capture
13.3.3 Cyclotron-Produced Radioisotopes
13.3.4 Radiopharmaceuticals
13.3.5 Generators
13.3.6 Activity Curves for Generators
13.3.7 Characteristics of an Ideal Generators
13.3.8 Radiopharmaceuticals for Therapy Applications
133..9 Desired Properties for diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals
13.3.10 Requirements for all radiopharmaceuticals
13.3.11 GMP in Nuclear Medicine
Module 14 Nuclear Medicine Imaging: Detectors and Gamma Cameras
14.1 Detectors
14.2 Gas filled detectors
14.3 Semiconductor detectors
14.4 Scintillation detectors
14.5 Gamma Cameras
14.5.1 Basic Design
14.5.2 Collimator
14.5.3 Solid-State Detectors
14.6 Types of Gamma Cameras and their Clinical Uses
14.7 Imaging Performance
14.8 Quantification
14.9 DICOM
Module 15 Planar (2D) Imaging - Scintigraphy
15.1 Introduction: Nuclear Medicine Imaging
15.1.1 Physical properties imaged
15.2 Planar Imaging
15.3 Principles of Image Formation
15.4 Clinical applications
15.4.1 Bone Scintigraphy
15.4.2 Lung Scintigraphy
15.4.3 Cardiac Applications
15.4.4 Thyroid Monitoring
15.5 Resolution
15.6 Pros / cons
15.7 Imaging system
15.8 Quality Assurance for Gamma Cameras
15.8.1 Quality Assurance principles
Module 16 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and SPECT-CT
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
16.3 Design and Principles of Operation
16.3.1 Physical properties imaged
16.3.2 Clinical applications
16.3.3 Resolution
16.3.4 Comparison of SPECT and Planar Imaging
16.1.5 Imaging system
16.2 Practical Considerations with SPECT
16.2.1 Attenuation
16.2.2 Chang Uniform Attenuation Correction
16.2.3 Chang Non-Uniform Attenuation Correction
16.2.4 Narrow-beam and Broad-beam attenuation
16.2.5 Scatter Subtraction
16.2.6 The Partial Volume Effect (PVE)
16.2.7 Corrections in Iterative Reconstruction
16.3 Performance and QA of SPECT systems
16.3.1 Acquisition Parameters
16.3.2 SPECT flood-field uniformity
16.3.3 Correction of non-uniformity
16.3.4 Centre-of-Rotation (COR)
16.3.5 Detector Alignment
16.3.6 Attenuation Correction in SPECT
Module 17 Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
17.1 Introduction
17.1.1 Physical properties imaged
17.1.2 Clinical applications
17.1.3 Resolution
17.1.4 Pros / cons
17.1.5 Imaging system
17.1.6 PET Detector
17.2 Annihilation Coincidence Detection (ACD)
17.1.6 Time-of-Flight in PET Imaging
17.3 Data Acquisition
17.3.1 Types of Events
17.4 Factors Effecting Resolution & Image Quality
17.4.1 Resolution of PET Imaging
17.5 SPECT vs PET imaging
17.6 Standardised Uptake Value (SUV)
17.7 Quality Assurance for PET Scanners
17.7.1 Important principles in PET QA
17.8 PET-CT
17.9 3D Image Reconstruction for PET-CT
17.19.1 Reconstruction process
17.19.2 Analytic vs Iterative Reconstruction
17.19.2 Filtered back projection (FBP)
17.19.3 Image acquisition (forward projection)
Module 18 Non-imaging procedures and QC tests for Nuclear Medicine
18.1 Non-imaging procedures
18.1.1 51Cr red cell labelling procedures
18.2 Quality Control of Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation
18.2.1 Dose calibrator
18.2.2 Geiger-Mueller counter
18.2.3 Ionization chamber
18.2.4 Scintillation (gamma) cameras
18.2.5 Resolution
18.2.6 Count Rate and Dead Time
18.2.7 Field Uniformity
18.2.8 Image Display and Processing
18.2.9 PET Cameras
18.2.10 SPECT/CT and PET/CT Image Registration
18.2.11 QC for the CT component
18.3 NEMA Specifications for Performance Measurements of Scintillation Cameras
18.4 IEC International Standards
18.5 IAEA-NMQC Toolkit
18.6 Radioactive Waste Management
Module 19 Internal radionuclide dosimetry and radionuclide therapy
19.1 Internal radionuclide dosimetry
19.1.1 Introduction
19.1.2 The MIRD scheme for internal dosimetry
19.1.3 Description of terms
19.1.4 Doses from diagnostic studies
19.1.5 Radionuclide therapy dosimetry
19.2 Radionuclide therapy
19.3 Dose Limits to Radiation Workers and Others
19.3.1 Occupational exposure
19.3.2 Hospital workers
19.3.3 Risk of radioiodine treatment to a foetus
19.3.4 Exposure for the general public
Module 20 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) – Basic Principles and Physics
20.1 Introduction
20.2 The History of MRI
20.3 Magnetism
20.3.1 Nuclear magnetic characteristics
20.3.2 Magnetic Susceptibility
20.3.3 Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, and Ferromagnetism
20.3.4 Radio Frequency Pulse
20.3.5 Radio Frequency Pulse
20.3.6 Resonance
20.3.7 Rotating Frame of Reference
20.3.8 T1, T2, and T2*
20.3.9 TR, TE, and Tissue Contrast
Module 21 Tissue Contrast: Some Clinical Applications
21.1 Introduction
21.2 T2 Characteristics
21.3 T1 Characteristics
Module 22 Pulse Sequences: Part I (Saturation, Partial Saturation, Inversion Recovery)
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Saturation
22.2.1 Partial Saturation Pulse Sequence
22.2.2 Saturation Recovery Pulse Sequence
22.2.3 Inversion Recovery Pulse Sequence
22.2.4 Null Point
22.2.5 Clinical Applications of Inversion Recovery
22.2.6 Magnitude Reconstruction
22.2.7 Fat Suppression: STIR Imaging
Module 23 Pulse Sequences: Part II (Spin Echo)
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Spin-Echo Pulse Diagram
23.3 Analogy
23.4 Symmetric Echoes
23.5 Asymmetric Echoes
23.6 Tissue Contrast
Module 24 Image Construction: Part I (Slice Selection)
24.1 Introduction
24.2 How to Select a Slice
24.3 Slice Thickness
24.4 Cross-Talk
24.5 How to Change the Slice Thickness
24.6 Slice-Select Gradient
Module 25 Image Construction: Part II (Spatial Encoding)
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Frequency Encoding
25.2.1 Back Projections
25.2.2 2DFT: 2-Dimensional Digital
25.3 Phase Encoding
Module 26 Advanced MRI Imaging, Image Quality, Artefacts, and Safety in MRI
26.1 Factors affecting image quality
26.1.1 Resolution
26.1.2 Contrast
26.1.3 SNR
26.1.4 Effects of flow on signal
26.3 Artefacts
26.3.1 DC offset and quadrature ghost
26.3.2 RF noise
26.3.3 Magnetic field inhomogeneity
26.3.4 Gradient
26.3.5 Susceptibility
26.3.6 RF Inhomogeneity
26.3.7 Motion
26.3.8 Flow
26.3.9 Chemical shift
26.3.10 Partial volume
26.3.11 Wrap around
26.3.12 Gibbs ringing
26.4 Common MR contrast agents
26.5 Clinical applications of different sequences
26.5.1 Metabolic
26.5.2 Anatomic
26.5.3 Flow imaging
26.5.4 Cardiac measurements
26.6 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
26.7 Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
26.8 Basic Principles of Diffusion
26.8.1 Brownian Motion
26.8.2 The nature of diffusion
26.8.3 Isotropic Diffusion
26.8.4 Anisotropic Diffusion
26.9 Magnetic Resonance Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
26.9.1 Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
26.9.2 Stejskal-Tanner Sequence
26.9.3 Diffusion Tensor Imaging
26.9.4 Quantitative Parameters of the Diffusion Tensor
26.9.5 Trace and Mean Diffusivity
26.9.6 Fractional Anisotropy
26.10 Post-Processing of DTI Data
26.10.1 Quality of DTI Data
26.10.2 Diffusion Tensor Masks
26.10.3 Visualization of DTI Parameters
26.11 Tractography
26.11.1 Limitations
26.11.2 Tract-Based Spatial Statistics
26.12 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
26.12.1 Application of fMRI?
26.13 MR angiography (MRA)
26.14 MRI Quality Assurance (QA)
26.15 Field Uniformity
26.16 Safety, standards and environmental aspects
26.16.1 Introduction:
26.16.2 How safe is MRI?
26.16.3 Room shielding
26.17 Mechanisms of EM Radiation Interaction and Biological Effects
26.18 Safety Procedures
PHYS5402 - Radiation Biology and Protection
The Role of Radiation Biology
Module 1 Review of Radiation and Human Biology
1.2Ionising radiation
1.3Radiation interactions with matter
1.3.1 Photons
1.3.2 Photoelectric effect
1.3.3 Compton effect
1.3.4 Pair production
1.3.5 Electrons
1.3.6 Neutrons
1.4Human Biology
1.4.1 Introduction on Human Radiation Response
1.4.2 Human Radiation Response
1.4.3 Human Responses to Ionizing Radiation
1.4.4 Composition of the Body
1.4.5 Cell Theory
1.4.6 Molecular Composition
1.4.7 The Human Cell
1.4.8 Cell Function
1.4.9 Cell Proliferation
1.4.10 Mitosis
1.4.11 Meiosis
1.4.12 Tissues and Organs
Module 2 The Effect of Radiation on DNA
2.2DNA: the target
2.3Direct and Indirect Action of Radiation
2.4Cellular response to ionising radiation
2.4.1 SSB and DSB damage
2.4.2 Consequence of DNA damage
2.4.3 The major pathways of DNA repair
Module 3 The Cell Cycle and Mechanisms of Cell Death
3.1 The cell cycle and cellular radiosensitivity
3.2Cell Death
3.3Tumour cell death
Module 4 Quantifying Cell Death
4.1 Introduction
4.2Measuring loss of reproductive ability in cells
4.2.1 Clonogenic assay
4.3Target theory
4.3.1 Single hit single target theory
4.3.2 Single hit multiple target theory
4.3.3 Introduction to the Linear Quadratic model
4.4Cell survival curves
Module 5 Characterization of Radiation Damage
5.1Characterisation of radiation damage
5.1.1 Lethal damage
5.1.2 Sublethal damage (SLD)
5.1.3 Potentially lethal damage (PLD)
5.1.4 Non-lethal damage
5.1.5 Summary
Module 6 LET and RBE
6.1Linear energy transfer (LET)
6.2Relative biological effectiveness (RBE)
6.2.1 Definition
6.2.2 RBE as a function of LET
Module 7 Tumour Biology
7.1Normal cells versus malignant cells
7.1.1 Self—sufficiency in growth signals
7.1.2 Insensitivity to antigrowth signals
7.1.3 Evasion of apoptosis
7.1.4 Unlimited replicative potential
7.1.5 Sustained angiogenesis
7.1.6 Tissue invasion and metastasis
7.2Tumour growth characteristics
7.2.1 Tumour kinetic parameters
7.2.2 Tumour composition and characteristics of tumour cells
7.3Tumour angiogenesis
7.3.1 Early research
7.3.2 Characteristics of tumour vasculature
Module 8 Factors influencing local tumour control– the 5 Rs
8.1Tumour behaviour during radiotherapy
8.2The 5 Rs of radiobiology
8.2.1 Repair
8.2.2 Repopulation
8.2.3 Redistribution
8.2.4 Reoxygenation
8.2.5 Radiosensitivity
Module 9 The Effect of Oxygen
9.1.1 The oxygen ‘fixation’ hypothesis
9.2Hypoxia Definitions
9.3 Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER)
9.3.1 OER as a function of LET
9.4 Methods to detect (measure) tumour hypoxia
9.5 Methods to overcome tumour hypoxia
Module 10 Normal Tissue Response to Radiation
10.1Radiation response and tolerance of normal tissue: early versus late effects
10.2Functional sub—units (FSU)
10.3Clinical response of normal tissue
10.3.1 Skin
10.3.2 The hematopoietic system
10.3.3 Lung
10.3.4 Spinal cord
10.4Volume effects in normal tissues
10.5Bystander effect and adaptive response
10.5.1 Bystander effect
10.5.2 Adaptive response
10.5.3 Conflicting phenomena at low—doses:
10.6Medical dictionary
Module 11 Predictive assays and disease staging
11.2Predictive assays
11.2.1 Predictive assays for tumour response
11.2.2 Predictive assays for normal tissue response
11.3Disease staging
11.4Glossary — tumour volume
Module 12 Modelling in Radiobiology
12.2Administered dose
12.2.1 Dose response curves
12.2.2 Dose volume histograms
12.2.3 In vivo dosimetry
12.3Tumour control vs. healthy cell damage
12.3.1 NTCP
12.3.2 TCP
Module 13 Fractionation – the LQ Approach
13.2Linear Quadratic Model
13.3Surviving Fraction at 2 Gy
13.4Biologically effective doses (BED) in radiotherapy
13.4.1 Continuous Hyperfractionated Accelerated Radiation Therapy (CHART)
Module 14 Specialized Radiotherapy Treatments
14.2Radiobiology in specialized radiotherapy treatments
14.2.1 Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and stereotactic radiation treatment (SRT)
14.2.2 Brachytherapy
14.3Adjuvant therapies in the treatment of cancer
Module 15 Health Effects of Exposure to Ionising Radiation
15.2Deterministic and stochastic effects of radiation
15.2.1 Deterministic effects
15.2.2 Stochastic effects
15.4Probability of Carcinogenesis from Low—Level Exposure
15.4.1 Types of study
15.4.2 Dose-‐Response Models
15.4.3 Measures of Risk
15.4.4 Assignment of Causation
15.4.5 Statistical methods
15.4.6 Probability of Causation
15.5Mutagenesis Risk from Low—Level Exposure
15.6High—Level Exposure
Module 16 Radiation Protection Quantities and Units
16.2Absorbed dose
16.3Radiation weighting factors
16.4Equivalent dose
16.5Tissue weighting factors
16.6Effective dose
Module 17 Introduction to Radiation Protection - Dose Limits
17.2International Bodies
17.3Internationally recommended dose limits
17.4Australian dose limits
17.4.1 Schedule 1 - Dose limits and maximum permissible exposure levels
17.5United States dose limits
17.6Occupational Exposure
Module 18 Shielding Calculations in Medical Radiation Equipment Installation
18.2Limiting exposure
18.3Shielding Design Considerations of High Energy Therapy Machines
18.3.1 Doors
18.3.2 Neutrons
18.4Estimating the Barrier Thickness
18.4.1 Primary Radiation Barrier
18.4.2 Secondary Radiation Barrier for Leakage Radiation
18.4.3 Secondary Radiation Barrier for Scattered Radiation
18.4.4 TVL calculation method
18.4.5 Doors and Mazes
18.5Radiological Survey
Module 19 Personnel Protection and Radiation Monitoring
19.2Protection of Workers and Patients
19.3Film Badges
19.4Pocket Dosimeters
19.5Storage Phosphor Badges (TLD and OSL)
19.5.1 TLDs for personnel monitoring
19.5.2 Optically Stimulated Luminescence
19.6Biological dosimetry
19.6.1 Short term methods
19.6.2 Long term methods
Module 20 Radiation Accidents and Incidents
20.2Accident: Chernobyl
20.3Accident: Fukushima—Daiichi
20.4Other Incidents and Accidents
Module 21 WA Radiation Protection Legislation
21.1The Need for Legislation
21.2Australian Radiation Protection
21.3Western Australian Legislation
21.4WA Radiation Safety Act 1975
21.4.1 Application of Act and exemptions
21.5WA Radiation Safety (Qualifications) Regulations 1980
21.6WA Radiation Safety (Transport of Radioactive Substances) Regulations 2002
21.7WA Radiation Safety (General) Regulations 1983
21.8The future harmonisation of radiation safety in Australia
Module 22 WA Radiation Safety Regulations
22.1Part I — Preliminary
22.2Part II — General precautions and requirements relating to radiation safety
22.3Part III — Radioactive substances
22.4Part IV — Irradiating apparatus
22.5Part V — Electronic products
22.6Part VI — General
22.7Schedule I
22.7.1 References
PHYS5403 - Radiotherapy Physics
Module 1 Review of Radiation Physics
1.1 Introduction to Radiation Oncology Physics
1.2 Different uses of radiotherapy
1.3 Review of physical quantities and units
1.4 Radiation and radioactivity
1.4.1 Classification of radiation
1.4.2. Radioactivity
1.5 Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter
1.6 Electron Interactions
1.7 Attenuation of radiation
Module 2 Radiobiological Basis for Radiotherapy
2.1 Introduction: cancer
2.2 Biology of cells and their response to radiation
2.2.1 Quality of radiation deposited in cell
2.2.2 Effects of radiation on biological tissues
2.3 Measurement of radiation damage
2.4 TCP, NTCP and therapeutic ratio
2.5 Oxygen
2.6 Fractionation in radiotherapy
Module 3 Calibration Protocols
3.1 History
3.2 Introduction
3.3 Calibration Protocols
3.3.1 Historical Perspective
3.3.2 Radiation Treatment Parameters
3.3.3 Inverse square law
3.3.4 KERMA
3.3.6 Air kerma in air method (TRS-277): A Primary standard
3.3.7 The Australasian Protocol
3.3.8 Absorbed dose determination in external beam radiotherapy (TRS-398)
3.3.9 Measurement of Dose Distribution Beam Profiles Depth Dose Curves (penetration of photon beams into a phantom or patient) Buildup region Depth of dose maximum zmax Exit dose Isodose Charts
3.3.10 Penetration of Photon Beams into a Phantom or Patient
3.3.11 Surface dose
Module 4 Radiotherapy Treatment Machines I: Overview
4.1 Overview
4.2 Historical introduction
4.3 X-ray generators
4.4 Bremsstrahlung
4.4.1 Heat
4.5 Thin-target and thick-target bremsstrahlung radiation
4.6 The continuous spectrum emitted by thick targets
4.7 Gamma ray beams and gamma ray units
4.7.1 Introduction
4.7.2 Construction of a 60Co Teletherapy Unit
4.7.3 Generation of a beam by a 60Co unit
4.7.4 Radiotherapy in Low and Middle Income Countries
4.8 Choice of Radiation Beam and Prescribed Target Dose
Module 5 Radiotherapy Treatment Machines II: Particle Accelerators
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Particle Accelerators in Medicine
5.2 High energy (megavoltage) machines – design considerations
5.3 Betatron
5.4 Cyclotron
Module 6 Radiotherapy Treatment Machines III: Linacs
6.1 Medical linear accelerator: Principle of operation
6.2 Structure of medical linear accelerators
6.3 Medical linear accelerator: generators
6.3.1 The electron gun (injection system)
6.3.2 RF power generation system
6.4 Medical linear accelerator: Accelerating structure
6.4.1 Accelerating waveguide
6.4.2 Steering coils
6.5 Medical linear accelerator: Beam delivery system
6.5.1 Auxiliary systems
6.5.2 Beam transport system
6.5.3 Treatment head
6.5.4 X-ray target
6.5.5 Flattening filter
6.5.6 Beam monitoring system
6.5.7 Beam collimation
6.5.8 Primary or fixed collimator
6.5.9 Secondary collimator (Jaws)
6.5.10 Multileaf collimators
6.6 Production of clinical electron beams in a linac
6.6.1 Field shaping
6.7 Safety in beam delivery
Module 7 Specification and Acceptance Testing of a Linear Accelerator
7.1 Accelerator specifications and machine-selection criteria
7.2 Measurement Equipment
7.2.1 Radiation survey equipment
7.2.2 Ionometric dosimetry equipment
7.2.3 Other dosimetric detectors (film, diodes)
7.2.4 Phantoms
7.3 Acceptance Tests
7.3.1 Acceptance Tests of Radiotherapy Equipment: Characteristics
7.3.2 Safety checks
7.4 Radiation Survey
7.5 Leakage Tests
7.5.1 Collimator and head leakage
7.5.2 Mechanical Checks Collimator axis of rotation Photon collimator jaw motion Congruence of light and radiation field Gantry and couch axis of rotations Radiation isocentre Optical distance indicator Gantry angle indicators Collimator field size indicators Patient treatment table motions
7.5.3 Dosimetry Measurements for Radiation Beam Performance Photon energy Photon beam uniformity Photon penumbra Electron energy Electron beam bremsstrahlung contamination Electron beam uniformity Monitor characteristics Arc therapy
Module 8 Commissioning of a Linear Accelerator
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Characterising the beam
8.2.1 Central axis percentage depth doses (PDDs)
8.2.2 Transverse beam profiles
8.2.3 Wedge Profile Data
8.2.4 Output factors
8.2.5 Blocking tray factors and other attenuation factors
8.2.6 Central axis percentage depth doses values Penumbra Output factor Leakage
Module 9 Beam Data Acquisition
9.1 Beam data acquisition system (BDAS)
9.1.1 Water phantom
9.1.2 Field and reference probes
9.1.3 Electrometer and controller
9.1.4 Computer
9.1.5 Equipment required
9.2 Data collection program
9.2.1 BDAS Parameters Which can Affect Data
9.2.2 Procedure
9.2.3 Responsibility
Module 10 Quality Assurance of Treatment Machines
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 Definitions
10.2 Legal obligations
10.3 Secondary standard equipment
10.3.1 Ionisation chamber
10.3.2 Measuring assembly (electrometer)
10.3.3 Portable stability check source
10.4 Transfer of secondary standard to field instruments
10.4.1 Cross-calibration of field ionization chambers
10.5 Method of calibration of superficial X-ray therapy treatment (SXRT) and deep X-ray therapy treatment (DXRT)
10.6 Method of calibration of high energy machines
10.7 Quality assurance tests on radiotherapy treatment machines
Module 11 Treatment Planning Techniques: Planning Computer& Beam Models
11.1 Background & History
11.2 Introduction
11.2.1 Principal hardware components of a Treatment Planning (TP) system
11.2.2 TP hardware systems can be classified into
11.2.3 Software of a TP system includes components
11.3 Treatment planning algorithms – beam models
11.4 Photon Dose Calculation: Algorithmic Methods
11.5 Kernel Based Algorithms
11.6 Ray Tracing
11.7 Pencil Beam
11.8 Steps in computing pencil beam dose
11.9 Convolution / Superposition Algorithms
11.10 Steps in computing convolution/superposition dose
11.11 Boltzmann Transport Equation
11.12 Steps in computing Boltzmann Transport Equation dose (Acuros)
11.13 Monte Carlo (MC)
11.14 Steps in computing Monte Carlo Dose
11.15 Techniques for accelerating Monte Carlo calculations
11.16 Calculation in a heterogeneous medium
11.17 TAR planning tools (power law and equivalent)
11.18 Use of CT in radiotherapy treatment planning
11.19 Quality assurance in Treatment planning
Module 12 Treatment Planning Techniques: Monte Carlo and Superposition /Convolution Models
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The Monte Carlo simulation process
12.3 Sampling using random numbers
12.4 Example Monte Carlo system
12.5 Theory of superposition
12.6 Comparison with experimental results (limitations of model-based algorithms)
12.7 Benchmarking Photon Dose Calculations
12.8 Summary
Module 13 Patient Treatment Planning
13.1 The process of radiation therapy and definitions related to patient planning
13.1.1 Target volume definition
13.2 Patient data acquisition
13.3 X-ray simulator
13.4 CT simulator
13.5 Imaging Moving Anatomy
13.6 Four-dimensional Computed Tomography Scanning
13.7 Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
13.8 Treatment planning room
13.9 Mould room
13.10 Conclusion
Module 14 Treatment Delivery Techniques: Photon Single Beam
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Direct patient dose calculations
14.2.1 In-Vivo Dosimetry
14.2.2 Purpose of In-Vivo Dosimetry
14.2.3 In-Vivo Dosimeters
14.3 Methodology
14.4 Skin Dose Measurements
14.5 Entrance Dose Measurements
14.6 Exit Dose Measurements
14.7 Alteration of isodose curves by contour shape and tissue inhomogeneities
14.7.1 Single field isodose distributions in patients
14.7.2 Corrections for contour irregularities
14.7.3 Corrections for tissue inhomogeneities
14.8 Beam modifying devices
14.8.1 Wedge Filters
14.8.2 Compensating filters (Tissue Compensation)
14.8.3 Bolus/energy degraders
14.9 Energy absorption in tissue and integral dose
14.10 Multiple Beam Combinations
14.10.1 Objectives
14.10.2 Introduction
14.10.3 Weighting and normalization
14.10.4 Fixed source to surface distance versus isocentric techniques
14.11 Patient dose distribution using opposing pairs of beams and combinations of opposing pairs
14.12 Prediction of dose distribution for angled field, wedge pairs, three field technique and rotation therapy
14.13 Rotational techniques
Module 15 Photon Treatment Delivery: Conformal Radiotherapy 1
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Principles of conformal radiotherapy
15.3 Implementation of CFRT and IMRT
15.4 Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
15.5 Wedges
15.5.1 Physical Wedges
15.5.2 Flying Wedges
15.5.3 Dynamic Wedges
15.6 Multi leaf collimators
15.7 Dose accuracy and uncertainty, quality assurance
Module 16 Photon Treatment Delivery: Conformal Radiotherapy 2
16.1 Introduction to modern conformal radiotherapy techniques
16.1.1 Volumetric Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT)
16.1.2 Tomotherapy and Real-time tracking
Module 17 Treatment Planning & Delivery for Electron Therapy
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Physical aspects of the electron beam
17.2.1 Output Calibration
17.2.2 Central axis Depth Dose Curves
17.2.3 Absorbed dose build-up
17.2.4 Isodose distribution
17.3 Field shaping
17.4 Bolus
17.5 Treatment planning
17.6 Electron arc therapy
17.7 Whole body electron irradiation (Total Skin Irradiation)
Module 18 Treatment Delivery Verification
18.1 Equipment Used in External Beam Radiotherapy: A summary
18.2 Introduction
18.2.1 Accidents in radiotherapy
18.3 Checking the patient chart
18.4 Radiation therapy plan checks
18.5 Structure of an equipment quality assurance program
18.6 Machine operation
18.7 Portal imaging
18.7.1 Electronic Portal Imaging Devices EPIDs (MV imagers)
18.7.2 Why are EPIDs important?
18.7.3 Imager calibration
18.7.4 Applications of EPIDs
18.8 In-vivo measurements
18.9 Gel dosimetry
18.10 Record and verify system
18.11 Implementation of the record and verify system
18.12 Biological modelling
18.13 Radiotherapy Treatment Side-Effects
Module 19 Special Techniques in Radiotherapy 1
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Superficial and Orthovoltage
19.3 Intra-operative radiotherapy
19.3.1 Orthovoltage X-rays
19.3.2 Superficial X-rays
19.4 Stereotactic Radiotherapy
19.5 Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
19.5.1 History
19.5.2 SBRT/ SABR
19.6 Total body irradiation
19.7 Flattening filter free beams
19.8 Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)
19.8.1 ExacTrac/Novalis Body System
19.9 Respiratory Gating
19.9.1 Four-dimensional Computed Tomography
19.10 CyberKnife
19.11 Tomotherapy
19.12 A Hybrid Linac MRI System (MR-Linac)
19.12.1 Benefits of MRI
19.12.2 FLASH radiotherapy: Aims to reduce radiotherapy toxicity
Module 20 Special Techniques in Radiotherapy 2
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Proton beam therapy
20.3 Light and Heavy Ion Therapy
20.4 Neutron generators
20.5 Unsealed Sources
Module 21 Principles of Brachytherapy I
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Overview of brachytherapy
21.3 Brachytherapy compared to EBRT
21.4 Sources and applicators (LDR, PDR, HDR)
21.5 Radiation protection and patient monitoring
21.6 LDR seeds
21.7 Brachytherapy for breast cancer
Module 22 Principles of Brachytherapy II
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Principles of brachytherapy dosimetry
22.3 Dose prescription and reporting in brachytherapy
22.3.1 Intracavitary treatments
22.3.2 Interstitial treatments
22.4 Brachytherapy planning
22.5 Calculation of actual treatment dose and dose optimization
22.6 Source storage and transportation
PHYS5404 - Radiation Physics and Dosimetry
Module 1 Radiation Basics
1.1 Radiation
1.2 Classification of Radiation
1.3 Electromagnetic Spectrum
1.4 Non-Ionizing Radiation
1.5 Ionizing radiation
1.6 Directly Ionizing Radiation
1.6.1 Electrons
1.6.2 Positrons
1.6.3 Heavy Charged Particles
1.6.4 Pions
1.7 Indirectly Ionizing Radiation
1.8 Non-Ionising Radiation: Physical Hazards
1.8.1 Introduction
1.8.2 The impact of non-ionising EMR on the body
1.8.3 Extra Low Frequency Radiation
1.8.4 ELF Health effects
1.8.5 Radio Frequency Radiation
1.8.6 RF Health effects
1.8.7 InfraRed Radiation
1.8.8 IR Health effects
1.8.9 Visible Light
1.8.10 Visible Light Health effects
1.8.11 Ultraviolet Radiation
1.8.12 UV Health effects
1.8.13 Lasers
1.8.14 Lasers Health effects
Module 2 Sources of Radiation: Natural
2.1 Introduction
2.2 External radiation
2.2.1 Terrestrial radiation
2.2.2 Cosmic radiation
2.3 Internal Irradiation
2.3.1 Potassium-40
2.3.2 Rubidium-87
2.3.3 Uranium-238 series
2.3.4 Thorium-230
2.3.5 Radium-226
2.3.6 Radium Girls: Nuclear labour issues
2.3.7 Radon-222 subseries (222Rn, 218Po, 214Pb, 214Bi, 214Po)
2.3.8 Pb-210 subseries (210Pb, 210Bi, 210Po)
2.3.9 Thorium-232 series
2.3.10 Thorium-232
2.3.11 Radium-228 subseries (228Ra, 228Ac, 228Th, 224Ra)
2.3.12 Radon-220 and its decay products (216Po, 212Pb, 212Bi 212Po, 208Ti)
2.3.13 238U and 232Th series comparison
2.4 Summary
Module 3 Sources of radiation: Artificial
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Medical sources
3.3 Radionuclide and Radiopharmaceutical Production
3.4 Power Reactors
3.5 Nuclear fuel cycle
3.5.1 Mining and Milling
3.5.2 Effluents
3.5.3 Uranium Fuel Fabrication
3.5.4 Reactor Operation
3.5.5 Effluents
3.5.6 Carbon-14 Effluents
3.5.7 Fuel Reprocessing
3.5.8 General parameters for different reactor types
3.5.9 Health Consequences of Chernobyl
3.5.10 Nuclear power in Australia
3.6 Online Educational Resources
3.6.1 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
3.6.2 nternational Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
3.6.3 Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)
Module 4 Nuclear Structure & Stability
4.1 Units
4.1.1 Electron Volt (eV)
4.1.2 Atomic mass unit (amu)
4.2 Basic Atomic Structure
4.2.1 Nuclides
4.3 Nuclear Binding Energies
4.3.1 Nuclear Binding Energy Curve
4.3.2 The iron limit
4.4 Nuclear Models
4.4.1 Liquid drop model
4.4.2 Nuclear Shell model
4.5 Nuclides
4.6 Radioactivity
4.6.1 The discovery of radioactivity
4.6.2 Radioactivity
4.6.3 Radioactive decay
Module 5 Radioactivity: Modes of Decay
5.1 Types of decay
5.2 Beta decay
5.2.1 Beta minus decay
5.2.2 Electron capture
5.2.3 Beta plus decay
5.3 Gamma decay
5.3.1 Gamma ray emission
5.3.2 Internal conversion
5.3.3 Alpha decay & Spontaneous fission
5.3.4 Alpha decay
5.3.5 Spontaneous fission
5.4 Proton & Neutron emission
5.4.1 Proton emission
5.4.1 Neutron emission
5.5 Branching Decay
Module 6 Radioactivity: Kinetics
6.1 Activity
6.1.1 History
6.1.2 Units
6.2 Half-life
6.2.1 Activity
6.3 Specific Activity
6.4 Multiple Radionuclides
6.4.1 Parent/daughter decay
6.4.2 Decay Equilibria
6.4.3 Branching Decay Constant and Branching Fraction
Module 7 Charged Particle Interactions I
7.1 General Aspects of Energy Transfer
7.1.1 Hard (Close) Collision
7.1.2 Soft (Distant) Collision
7.1.3 Charged Particle Interaction with Coulomb Field of the Nucleus (Radiation Collision)
7.2 General Aspects of Stopping Power
Module 8 Charged Particle Interactions II
8.1 Interactions of electrons with matter: A summary
8.2 Collision Stopping Power for Light Charged Particles
8.2.1 Ionizational (collisional) interactions and ionizational stopping power
8.2.2 Radiative interactions and radiative stopping power
8.2.3 Total stopping power
8.2.4 Stopping power in compounds and mixtures
8.3 Linear energy transfer (LET)
8.4 Range
8.5 Electrons
8.6 Relativistic Physics Cheat Sheet
Module 9 Photon interactions I
9.1.1 Ionization
9.2 General Aspects of Photon Interactions with Absorbers
9.3 Photon interactions with matter
9.3.1 Rayleigh scattering (Coherent scattering)
9.3.2 Photoelectric effect
9.3.3 Incoherent Scattering (Compton Effect)
9.3.4 Pair production
9.3.5 Summary: General Aspects of Photon Interactions with Absorbers
Module 10 Photon Interactions II
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Types of indirectly ionizing photon radiation
10.3 Attenuation of radiation (X, Gamma)
10.4 Attenuation coefficients
10.5 Characteristic Absorber Thicknesses
10.6 Effective energy
10.7 Other Attenuation Coefficients and Cross Sections
10.8 Low LET and High LET Radiation
10.8.1 Energy Loss of a Charged Particle due to Its Interaction with the Electrons
Module 11 Proton and Neutron Interactions
11.1 Physical Properties of Protons
11.1.1 Introduction and summary
11.1.2 Nature of the particle
11.1.3 Stopping power
11.1.4 Particle range
11.1.5 Multiple Coulomb scattering
11.1.6 Dependence of stopping power and scattering on atomic number
11.1.7 Bragg peak
11.2 Proton interactions with matter
11.2.1 Proton interactions with electrons: Energy loss
11.2.2 Proton interactions with nuclei: nuclear reactions
11.2.3 Proton dose distribution
11.2.4 Fragmentation: Protons and recoiled fragments
11.2.5 Proton therapy treatment planning
11.2.6 Uncertainties in proton planning
11.3 General aspects of Neutron interactions
11.4 Fast neutron radiotherapy
11.5 Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
Module 12 Ionization in Gases and Solids
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Ionization in gases
12.3 Ionization potential
12.4 Average energy per ion pair, W
12.4.1 Experimental values of W for pure gases
12.4.2 W for gas mixtures
12.5 Ionization in solids
Module 13 Dosimetric Quantities, Units & Inter-relationships
13.1 Introduction
13.2Fundamental quantities in dosimetry
13.3 Exposure
13.4 Particle and Energy Fluence
13.5 Kerma & Cema
13.6 Components of kerma
13.7 Mass energy transfer coefficients and mass energy absorption coefficients
13.8 Kerma for photons
13.8.1 Kerma and fluence
13.8.2 Kerma and exposure
13.9 Absorbed and Equivalent Dose
13.10 Stopping power
13.11 Interrelationships Between Dosimetric Units
13.12 Relationships between dosimetric quantities (photons)
13.12.1 Kerma from fluence
13.12.2 Absorbed Dose from kerma and fluence
13.13 Charged Particle Equilibrium (CPE)
13.14 Relationships between dosimetric quantities (electrons)
13.14.1 Dose from cema and fluence
Module 14 Cavity Theory
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Cavity theory
14.3 Bragg-Gray
14.4 Spencer-Attix
14.5 The concept of the Spencer-Attix cavity theory
14.6 Considerations in the application of cavity theory to ionization chamber calibration and dosimetry protocols
14.7 Large cavities in photon beams
14.8 Burlin cavity theory for photon beams
14.9 Summary
14.9.1 Large Cavities
14.9.2 Medium Cavities
14.10 Interfaces between dissimilar media
Module 15 Cavity Theory II: Dosimeters
15.1 Introduction – General Properties of Dosimeters
15.2 Dosimetry
15.3 Absolute dosimeters
15.3.1 Dose to medium
Module 16 Ionization Chambers
16.1 Gas-Filled Detectors
16.2 Ionisation Chambers
16.2.1 Saturation
16.2.2 Polarity Chamber polarity effects: polarity correction factor kpol
16.2.3 Chamber Characteristics: Stem Leakage
16.2.4 Temperature and pressure
16.2.5 Dosimeter considerations for electrons
16.3 Ionization chamber concepts
16.3.1 Effective Atomic Number
16.3.2 Electrometer
16.4 Types of Ionisation Chambers
16.4.1 Thimble-Type
16.4.2 Farmer Chamber
16.4.3 Flat-cavity (or Parallel-plate) and extrapolation chambers
Module 17 Other Gas Detectors, Detector Limitations and QA
17.1 Other Gas Detectors
17.1.1 Ionization Chambers
17.1.2 Proportional Counters
17.1.3 Geiger-Muller Counters
17.2 Area Survey Meters
17.3 Other everyday use: Smoke detectors
17.4 Efficiency of Monitoring Methods
17.5 Dead Time
17.6 Quality Assurance
17.4.1 Quality assurance in radiotherapy
17.4.2 Quality control
17.4.3 Quality standards
17.7 External Beam Dose Calculation
17.7.1 Percent Depth Dose (PDD)
17.7.2 Mayneord F Factor
17.7.3 Tissue Ratios (TAR)
17.7.4 Tissue Phantom Ratio (TPR)
17.7.5 Tissue Maximum Ratio (TMR)
17.7.6 Back Scatter Factor
17.7.7 Scatter Factors
17.7.8 Total Scatter Factor (Sc,p)
17.7.9 Collimator Scatter Factor (Sc)
17.7.10 Phantom Scatter Factor (Sp)
17.7.11 Converting Between PDD, TAR, TMR, and TPR
Module 18 Semiconductor Detectors
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Basic principles
18.3 Scintillation detectors
18.4 Semiconductor or Solid-State Detectors
18.4.1 Basic Operation of Reverse-Biased Semiconductor Junction Detectors
18.4.2 Intrinsic Semiconductors and Doping
18.4.3 Semiconductor Junctions
18.4.4 Reverse biasing
18.4.5 Diode Detectors
18.4.6 Limitations of Semiconductor Detectors
Module 19 Scintillation Detectors and Thermoluminescence
19.1 Scintillation Detectors
19.1.1 Inorganic scintillation detectors
19.1.2 Liquid scintillation counting
19.2 Thermoluminescence
19.2.1 Thermoluminescent Dosimetry
19.2.2 Principles of TL Dosimetry
19.2.3 Thermoluminescence background information
19.2.4 Thermoluminescence detector usage
Module 20 Other Dosimeters and Survey Meters
20.1 Optically Stimulated Luminescence
20.2 MOSFET dosimetry systems
20.2.1 The MOSFET structure
20.3 Film Dosimetry
20.3.1 Radiochromic Film Limitations
20.3.2 Radiochromic Film Calibration
20.3.3 Film Badges
20.4 Gel Dosimetry
20.5 Neutron Detectors
20.6 Summary
20.7 Radiation Monitoring
20.7.1 Calibration and Properties of Survey Meters
20.7.2 Calibration and Properties of Individual Meters
20.8 Primary Standards
20.8.1 Primary standard for air kerma in air
20.8.2 Primary standards for absorbed dose to water
20.8.3 Chemical dosimetry standard for absorbed dose to water
20.8.4 Calorimetric standard for absorbed dose to water
20.9 Phantoms – water equivalent plastics
20.10 Bolus/Energy Degraders - Tissue Compensation
20.11 Monte Carlo techniques in radiation simulation: Introduction
20.11.1 Monte Carlo method for simulation of photon and electron transport
Module 21 Properties of Dosimeters
21.1 introduction
21.2 Accuracy and Precision
21.2.1 Type “A” Standard Uncertainties
21.2.2 Type “B” Standard Uncertainties
21.2.3 Combined and Expanded Uncertainties
21.3 Linearity
21.4 Dose Rate Dependence
21.5 Energy Dependence
21.6 Directional dependence
21.7 Spatial Resolution and Physical Size
21.8 Readout Convenience
21.9 Convenience of Use
Module 22 Internal Dosimetry
22.1 Introduction
22.2 The Medical Internal Radiation Dose Formalism
22.2.1 Basic concepts
22.2.2 Principles of Internal Radionuclide Radiation Dosimetry
22.3 Calculation of Radiation Dose (MIRD Method)
22.3.1 Basic Procedure and Some Practical Problems
22.3.2 Cumulated Activity, Ã
22.3.3 Equilibrium Absorbed Dose Constant, Δ
22.3.4 Absorbed Fraction, ϕ
22.3.5 Specific Absorbed Fraction, Φ, and the Dose Reciprocity Theorem
22.3.6 Mean Dose per Cumulated Activity, S
22.3.7 Whole-Body Dose and Effective Dose
22.3.8 Limitations of the MIRD Method
22.4. Safety
Module 23 Monte-Carlo methods, theory and examples
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Integration by Stone Throwing
23.3 Problem
23.3.1 Monte-Carlo Solution
23.3.2 Algorithm
23.4 Implementation
23.4.1 Implementation: Pond.py
23.5 Assessment
23.6 Extension: General Functions
23.7 Exercise
23.7.1 Where's Computational Thinking?
23.7.2 Where’s the Math?
Module 24 Principles of Monte Carlo Calculations and Codes
24.1 Phase Space
24.1.1 Phase Space Density
24.1.2 The Boltzmann Equation
24.2 The Mathematical Basis of the Monte Carlo method
24.2.1 Mean of a Distribution
24.2.2 Central Limit Theorem
24.2.3 Analog Monte Carlo
24.3 Integration by Monte Carlo
24.3.1 Integration Efficiency
24.3.2 Random Sampling
24.3.3 Random and Pseudorandom Numbers
24.3.4 Other Sampling Techniques
24.4 Particle Transport Monte Carlo
24.4.1 Model-Based and Table-Based Codes
24.5 Thresholds and Cut-offs
24.5.1 Transport Thresholds
24.5.2 Production Thresholds
24.6 Practice in Beam attenuation problems
24.6.1 Beam attenuation in homogeneous medium
24.6.2 Monte-Carlo implementation
24.6.3 Beam attenuation in non-homogeneous medium
24.6.4 Monte-Carlo implementation
24.6.5 Attenuation and scattering
24.6.6 Monte-Carlo implementation
Module 25 Monte Carlo Modelling in Medical Radiation Physics
25.1 Introduction
25.2 The Monte Carlo Method in Medical Radiation Physics
25.3 Monte Carlo techniques in radiation simulation: Introduction
25.4 Monte Carlo method for simulation of photon and electron transport
25.5 Common Monte Carlo codes for medical radiation physics
25.5.1 EGSnrc
25.5.2 Geant4
25.5.3 GAMOS Project
25.5.4 Geant Human Oncology Simulation Tool (GHOST) project
25.5.5 TOPAS
25.5.6 Geant4 with Gate
25.5.7 GATE V6: A platform enabling modelling of CT and radiotherapy
25.5.8 MCNPX, MCNP5 or MCNP6
25.5.9 Fluka
25.5.10 PRIMO
25.5.11 PENELOPE
ANHB5451 - Anatomy and Biology for Medical Physicists
Module 1: An Introduction + Cells I
• Basic structural components of a mammalian cell
• Interaction of cells with their extracellular environment
• Cellular organelles common to most cell types and their function in the cell
• Arrangement of cells in different organs / tissues and its relation to the organ function
• Phases of the cell cycle and mechanisms of apoptosis / necrosis
Module 2: Cells II - Protein synthesis, DNA
• Cellular components involved in protein synthesis and summary of the process
• Process of the transcription and translation of DNA and RNA
• How are proteins transported within a cell and excreted from cells?
• The risks from radiation exposure to the processes associated with DNA replication
Module 3: Embryology and Development
• Major steps in the development of the embryo during the first 6 weeks post conception
• Development events that continue after birth and the biological aspects of growth
• Role of proteins and cellular signalling in development
• Potential effects of radiation exposure on development and growth
Module 4: Planes of the body and surfaces
• Name the three principal planes of the body and illustrate them in the axial and appendicular body while it stands upright, is lying horizontal and prone.
• Use anatomical axis terminology appropriately to describe and demonstrate the range of movements allowed at freely movable joints of the axial and appendicular adult human body.
• Demonstrate appropriate use of a range of directional terms to describe the relative location of individual body elements.
• Explain the the way in which the internal body cavity structure affects imaging from different surface anatomy locations on the axial body.
Module 5: Cancer Cell Biology
• What is Cancer?
• How does Cancer Develop?
• Properties of Cancer
• Cancer Risk Factors
• Types of Cancer
• Treatment Options
Module 6: Skin and Mucosal surfaces
• Name four main roles of the skin as a body organ.
• Describe the layered structure of skin and the functions supported by each layer.
• List the body cavities where mucosal surfaces provide a protective barrier.
• Describe the variations in the structure and function of epithelial mucosa in different body systems and explain the ways in which these contribute to body homeostasis. Illustrate using three body systems.
• Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of an intact epithelium by explaining the potential consequences of injury and disease-related changes in epithelium. Illustrate with an example.
Module 7: Nervous System I and II
• The role of the neural tube in brain development
• Cell types in the CNS and PNS, and their specific roles in normal function
• Difference between the CNS and PNS
• Mechanisms for signal transmission in the nervous system and its regulation
• Different parts of the brain and spinal cord
Module 8: Brain/Head Anatomy
• Identify on images the different parts of the brain and head
• Outline the anatomy and function of CSF, blood supply and drainage of the brain
• Anatomy of the skull and Facial skeleton and its relationship to imaging
• Connect the embryology and adult anatomy of the head and neck
Module 9: Bone, Skeleton and Bone Growth
• Name and indicate the location of the bones of the appendicular skeleton.
• Name and indicate the location of the bones of the axial skeleton including the regions of the vertebral column.
• Describe and contrast the respective tissue architecture of bone and cartilage.
• Relate the cellular and matrix composition of ligaments & tendons, bone and cartilage to its appearance on being imaged.
• List the main anatomical features of a simple synovial joint and describe their function.
• Describe the two main processes of bone formation before and after birth
• Outline the biological steps of fracture repair.
• Describe and justify anticipated changes in the clinical imagery of the skeleton following injury or disease.
Module 10: Blood and Bone Marrow
• Describe the features of blood as a tissue and its function in the circulatory system.
• Describe the special characteristics of bone marrow as a tissue and its function in the lymphatic system.
• Name five mature blood cell types in circulating blood and two found in tissues. Outline the function of each one and how cell size and shape reflects their role.
• Explain the respective roles of red and yellow bone marrow in blood cell development in different stages of life.
• Outline the main steps of hemopoietin in the adult and where in the body it can occur.
Module 11: Cardiovascular System
• Describe the main role and other functions performed by the cardiovascular system (CVS) in the healthy body and name its two major organ components.
• List the great vessels of the heart, its muscular chambers, its valves and accessories.
• Outline the route that blood follows through the heart (great vessels, chambers and valves) in distributing blood around the pulmonary and systemic circulations, respectively.
• Name the three types of blood vessels in the CVS, describe their roles and contrast their structural features in relation to function.
• Describe the role of the “cardiac pacemaker” in generating heart beats, naming the nodes and the means of electrical distribution over the heart.
• Outline the events that comprise the diastolic and systolic phases of the cardiac cycle.
• Explain why impairment of CVS function leads to the symptoms of heart disease and peripheral vascular disease.
• Illustrate with a specific example explaining the underlying cause of a symptom and its effect.
Module 12: Immunology and Lymphatic System
• List the three major roles of the lymphatic system and for each role, briefly describe the activities and locations involved.
• Outline the lymphatic system components encountered sequentially in a route that returns fluid from a tissue’s parenchyma back to the bloodstream; describe the key functional features of each component.
• Name the five lymphoid organs, their location in the body, and explain which are called “primary” and “secondary” and why.
• List examples of physical, functional, chemical and biological barriers in the non-immunological defence system and explain how they defend.
• As regards the agents involved in the innate immune system, list the cell types, their condition and some of the soluble factors involved.
• Compare and contrast the cell actors in the innate, and adaptive immune systems, and explain main difference between the two systems.
• Describe the distinguishing features of cellular and humoral immunity including the methods of target destruction.
• Explain ‘self-tolerance’ and its relevance in one example of immune impairment.
Module 13: Respiratory System
• Anatomical divisions of the respiratory system and principal organs
• Functional partition of the respiratory system
• Main function during breathing
• Branching of the bronchial tree within the lungs
• Structural changes in bronchi and their relation to lung function
• Cell types of the alveolus and their specialised roles
Module 14: Digestive tract - Large intestine emphasis
• Describe the role of the digestive (or alimentary) system.
• List the main parts of the digestive system including the gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs.
• Describe the segmentation of the gastrointestinal tract and name any sub-sections within each segment.
• Compare and contrast the main macro anatomical features of each segment of the gastrointestinal tract.
• Name the microscopic layers (5) of the intestinal tube in cross section starting from central lumen then outward to the abdominal cavity.
• Describe the functional roles of the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine respectively, and explain how their form (for example, folds) supports that function.
• List two common abnormalities seen in the large intestine and the structural changes that aid their detection by imaging.
Module 15: Liver/Pancreas
• Describe the location in the body of these digestive system accessory structures, the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
• Explain the role of the liver and gall bladder in the function of the digestive system.
• Describe the role of the pancreas in the function of the digestive system.
• List a common abnormalities affecting each of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
Module 16: Kidney and Urinary System
• Explain the major role of the urinary system and its five main functions to support that role
• List the organs of the urinary system and their location
• Name the three main anatomical regions of the kidney
• Describe the three functional processes undertaken by the nephron
• Name the types of cells lining the kidney and urinary tracts and explain how these related to local function
• List the substances which are filtered, resorbed and excreted from the healthy kidney
• Outline the main hormonal influence(s) on kidney function and the way in which that influence body fluid balance.